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About the lab

We will make the operating room of the future a reality.

Doctors' access to patient information in the operating room is getting increasingly diversified.
It is critical to give refined important information to determine the best treatment for the patients.
This role will be filled by artificial intelligence.

Various robotic technologies are also being used for less invasive therapy.
AIRS uses artificial intelligence and robotic technologies to assist patients and medical professionals with best precision therapy.

Research performance

<Active endoskeleton system>
    • 2022 : 8~12 (Aug-Dec)
    • 2023 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2024 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2025 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2026 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
  • Support Project Name : National R&D project – STEAM
  • Support organization : NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Support amount : 0.67M $ [USD]
  • Consortium (Participation) : KyungPook National University, KIST, KIMM, Pusn National University
  • Research period: 2022.08 ~ 2026.12
<Multi-degree-of-freedom positioning system>
    • 2022 : 9~12 (Sep-Dec)
    • 2023 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2024 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
  • Support Project Name : National R&D project for Industrial-Research Center cooperation project
  • Support organization : TIPA(Korea Technology and information Promotion Angecy of SMEs)
  • Support amount : 1.12 M $ [USD]
  • Research period: 2022.09 ~ 2024.12
<Wireless fracture robot and ultrasound image-based navigation>
    • 2023 : 7~12 (Jul-Dec)
    • 2024 : 1~6 (Jan~Jun)
  • Support Project Name : Scaleup TIPS R&D
  • Support organization : Ministry of SMEs and Startups
  • Support amount : 0.10M $ [USD]
  • Consortium (Participation) : KyungPook National University and Hospital
  • Research period: 2023.07 ~ 2024.06
<Bone Endoscopic Surgery Robot>
    • 2021 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2022 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
  • Support Project Name : National R&D program for AI-Bio-Robot-Medicine Convergence
  • Support organization : KEIT(Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industiral Technology)
  • Support amount : 1.40M $ [USD]
  • Consortium (Participation) : Kyungpook National University, Deepnoid, Kyungpook National University Hospital
  • Research period: 2021.01 ~ 2022.12
<Fracture surgery robot>
    • 2021 : 5~12 (May~Dec)
    • 2022 : 1~12 (Jan~Dec)
    • 2023 : 1~4 (Jan~Apr)
  • Support Project Name : TIPS
  • Support organization : Ministry of SMEs and Startups
  • Support amount : 0.37M $ [USD]
  • Consortium (Participation) : Kyungpook National University, DGIST. Deepnoid, Kyougppok National University Hospital
  • Research period: 2021.05 ~ 2023.04
<Fracture Surgery Navigation System>
    • 2022 : 6~12 (Jun~Dec)
    • 2023 : 1~5 (Jan~May)
  • Support Project Name : INNOPOLIS R&D Program
  • Support organization : Innopolis Daegu
  • Support amount : 0.25M $ [USD]
  • Consortium (Participation) : Kyungpook National University, DGIST
  • Research period: 2022.06 ~ 2023.05

Certificate / Authentication certificate

  • NET certificate
    (New Excellent Technology)

  • KIPO
    Commissioner Award

  • Medical device
    manufacturing license

  • GMP authentication certificate

  • Venture company

  • Start-up nest
    selection letter

사이트 정보

AIRS, Ai Robot Surgery Address : Room 202, 2F, Nowon-ro 75, Buk-gu, Daegu, S.Korea Tel : +82) 053-269-6800 Fax : +82) 053-950-7906 E-mail : © 2022 AIRS Inc. All Rights Reserverd